Poor KJP frequently has to grasp at straws to fix the Biden-Harris administration's foul ups. This time she's been left to grasp at apostrophes.
It's a tough job, and she is more than not up to it.
An impartial view of Biden's video would lead you to believe he called Trump supporters garbage. In trying to convince you your ears are deceiving you, his apologists do have one thing going for them: Joe is incoherent. It's comical when the media tries to parse his gibberish. When examined closely, maybe the clearest thing he said was that Trump supporters are garbage.
We live in this weird, post-free-speech world, where you get in serious trouble for saying something someone can pretend to be offended by. "Ah-ha! I got you! Now, I get victim points and free publicity, and you have to lose your job!" In Joe's case, it's ok, because he already lost his job (sort of).
The real problem isn't that Joe said something stupid. The real problem is that, like the last two Democratic presidential candidates before him, he believes it. Hillary said it with "deplorables" and Barry Obama said it with "clingers*." They think anyone who is not an Ivy League Leftist is stupid, pathetic and ... well ... garbage.
What about the new nominee? To the extent Harris has any coherent thoughts, she likely thinks the same thing. The only reason to doubt that is because, below her condescending attitude, deep down inside, you can tell she knows she's not that bright, whereas Barack and Hillary are absolutely certain they know everything - and everyone who doesn't worship their genius is benighted trash.
At any rate, Kamala hasn't quite stepped in it yet. Like Biden, her inability to use the English language helps her out in this case. Her reluctance to do interviews also helps her hide her true feelings about Americans.
But, honestly, I'm a little confused why the "garbage" label has gotten so much traction.
First of all, the media is very adept at just ignoring things that embarrass the Democrats, especially during the October before a presidential election. Example: Hunter's laptop.**
Secondly, it's not the most offensive thing Trump supporters have been called by the Democrats and their media bootlickers. Just last week, Tampon Tim (backed up by Hillary and MSNBC) effectively called those who attended the MAGA Square Garden rally Nazis.
I don't want to be called garbage or a Nazi, but if you're going to make me pick, I would rather be called worthless than evil.
As an aside, as Joe keeps demonstrating his dementia, how is it that Harris gets a pass on not invoking the 25th Amendment? Not that it really matters, because Joe's not in charge and neither is she. She is a figurehead, at best. They scraped the Biden sticker off the Leftist machine and put the Kamala sticker on. What she thinks, to the extent she can think, is irrelevant. The people pulling both Biden and Kamala's strings are presumably a cadre of Obama and Clinton administration leftovers. They despise you for not being as enlightened as they are. Though they are the ones who keep getting recycled, in their mind you are the garbage.
... and, BTW, they think that regardless of who you vote for.
*Barack Hussein Obama: "It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
** Allegedly, the FBI verified the authenticity of Hunter Biden's laptop months before the 2020 election (and before the famous "intelligence" community letter). Their primary response? To "warn" social media companies that foreign "disinformation" about Biden and Burisma was likely to come out before the election. So, when the laptop story came out, the platforms assumed it was bogus. How is this government election interference not a non-stop story in the media? Well, we all kinda know the answer.